Why do bad things happen to good people? Why do some people succeed and others are punished? Those who believe in a God are confused by this. Why would God do this to people? There must be a system for justice. Right? But then there is also the topic of fate and free will. How much control over our lives do we even have?
While it is human nature to believe that good should be rewarded and evil punished, it is important to know why this system must remain. Without a punishment and reward system, the world would be in total chaos. People would do as they wish without a second thought. This is exactly why some believe that free will doesn’t exist.
It’s all about opinion and belief. And what is mine you ask?
Fate is a disappointing topic. The simple idea of it makes us question whether or not we have any control over our lives. When we make a choice, a decision, in this world, is it ours to make? Or has it been planned from the beginning of time? For me specifically, I like the idea of having everything planned because I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason. It gives me a (almost) stress-free life. I can sleep at night knowing that God has a plan for me and regardless of how awful some things might seem in the moment, everything will work out however they are meant to be. Yet, I still don’t know how it can be that I still believe in free will. I can choose to go to college. I can choose to be a nurse. And if I were to change my mind, that new plan would wok out too.
While it is human nature to believe that good should be rewarded and evil punished, it is important to know why this system must remain. Without a punishment and reward system, the world would be in total chaos. People would do as they wish without a second thought. This is exactly why some believe that free will doesn’t exist.
My religion is not exactly by the books. It is my safety net and a reliable support system that I have in my head. But whether it has any true value is beyond my understanding.
One thing that I will never understand is how Job continued to stay loyal to God, and continued to fear/worship God even as he was angry at him for all of the terrible things that were happening. He felt as though he was being punished but for what? He was as serving as a follower could be.
Some things will simply never make sense to me and this is one of them; Why are good people punished?